Monday, October 18, 2010

and this is my life...

i feel like i have been saying that phrase a lot... "and this is my life." maybe because of the way every room in our house has boxes piled up. or because the kitchen is still a mess from 3 days ago. or because our pantry is bare and i have been trying to make it to target for 5 days now. or because both our cars are filled to the brim with more stuff to pile up in the house.

regardless of these things i don't really have much to complain about. this morning i am drinking coffee, eating a ginger cookie (both from gray owl - mmm, good!) and i love this weather. i spent some quality time with the sisters and mother yesterday and most of my evenings lately have consisted of snuggles on the couch while watching madmen.

i live a pretty posh life.

1 comment:

Juliebeans said...

yeah cuddling with your husband and petra is pretty posh I'd say! Everything else will come together soon enough :)